“What would Tenacity eat for breakfast?” “What does Perseverance do for a living?”
Tenacity is a big word, and with this workshop we invite students from different backgrounds to ask the important questions to get to know the word Tenacity, and some friends of Tenacity who have been journeying with us this year. The participants were guided by local author, Alvin Pang, at every step of the way to create their own Word Portraits based on Alvin’s best selling book “What Gives Us Our Names”.
Each individual has a unique view on values and through this exhibition we invite you to explore the Word Portraits through different young perspectives!
By: Lew Jia Hui, 20
She didn’t have a name to begin with, covered in stitches and wounds
her lips with a crooked smile, a haggard face.
She walked with a hunched back –
lacked confidence, light and hope for the future.
She was always alone –
and knew what loneliness always felt like.
She was always associated with the colour black,
resemblance of solace and captivity.
Finding the light.
She didn’t have a name to begin with,
covered in stitches and wounds
her lips with a crooked smile, a haggard face.
She walked with a hunched back –
lacked confidence, light and hope for the future.
She was always alone –
and knew what loneliness always felt like.
She was always associated with the colour black,
resemblance of solace and captivity.
She craved for the warmth of a family
who abandoned her behind,
and took away the love and happiness she deserves.
But after she met them, they gave her a purpose
and a name that belonged to her – Growth.
They were named Independence and Maturity,
parents that belonged to one unity.
Her new family that strengthens her potential
which she never knew she had.
She was not used to seeing the light,
after many years of darkness, she was enclosed in.
But Independence and Maturity said with a gentle smile,
“In order to know and receive the light,
you must know how it feels like in the darkness.”
They brought Growth to places she hasn’t seen from the outside world,
which she started to slowly open up to the things
she always wishes to be in touch with.
Visiting an art exhibition, learning about sea aquatic animals
and even meeting new friends – Light and Darkness. They found common things that they were interested in -- and were like peas in a pod.
Even though they had arguments,
they always cried, fixing them together
and made sure everything was okay again.
"Friends are part of a family,"
Growth said with a beam of sunshine.
She started changing for the better,
her footsteps became light-hearted,
smiling genuinely with kindness.
She painted her walls in white
-- a symbolisation of purity, transparency, and honesty. She went through ups and downs
which she finally found where she wants to be, being who she truly is.
By: Anonymous, 17
Insecurity is a short, bespectacled and awkward teenage girl.
Her frizzy and thick jet black hair is always bundled up in a high bun — she rarely has the energy to properly wash her hair.
Those who know her would tell you that ash hues and sullen greys are her favourite colours. Some might say she walks gloomily with a sigh written all over her face, and in the sweltering Singapore heat, insecurity feels the most like herself when she is clad in oversized baggy sweatpants and a large fluffy sweater.
Insecurity is a short, bespectacled and awkward teenage girl.
Her frizzy and thick jet black hair is always bundled up in a high bun — she rarely has the energy to properly wash her hair.
Those who know her would tell you that ash hues and sullen greys are her favourite colours. Some might say she walks gloomily with a sigh written all over her face, and in the sweltering Singapore heat, insecurity feels the most like herself when she is clad in oversized baggy sweatpants and a large fluffy sweater.
If she were a dancer, her trademark move would be “The Silent Creep”. She has mastered the craft of striking when you least expect it. When you find yourself drowning in the abyss, she is there on her tiptoes, moving through the motions with intention as she sows seeds of self doubt in your head, trampling on the first idea that pops into your head. Her delicate fingers know exactly where the land is the most fertile. You never know when she’s here until you feel her warm breath hovering over your shoulder judging your every move.
Insecurity lives by a small landed house by the corner of the street, the neighbours barely know who she is. If she happens to be leaving the house at the same time as one of them, she finds herself purposefully creeping back into the house just to wait till her neighbours are gone. Her bedroom is dimly lit, the bedsheets are grey and sullen. There is a single plant that has not been watered in a while, and it’s leaves are damp and shrivelled up.
Insecurity is a habitual night owl who goes to bed at 3am almost every night. She can never fall asleep from all the overthinking. She lays awake in bed listening to the sound of the silent night, thinking about all the people she wished she could be like.
She lives with her perfect sister Confidence and her brother, Meekness. She has never had a good relationship with Confidence – she barely acknowledges her existence and has never ever felt connected to her. Insecurities only best friend is self doubt. Without insecurity, self doubt would never be able to thrive. It’s codependent. When together, insecurity feels like her worries and deepest fears are acknowledged. Their friendship feels like something no outsider will ever be able to comprehend.
Insecurity is a plastic surgeon. She takes the worst parts of people – the ones they prick and poke at, and often changes them, morphing them into perfection and the ideal standards of beauty. She spends her free time catching up on the latest celebrity gossip, admiring their perfect faces, bodies and lives. She believes that she can attain perfection if she works hard enough trying to emulate the behaviour of the most successful people. Deep down, she secretly wishes she could be more like Confidence, satisfied with herself insteading of hating her own skin.
By: Hannah Anthony, 19
Courage has always been a passing figure in my life, graciously coming in contact when in need of help. From major examinations, studying abroad, and leaving a toxic household, she has always somehow remerged.
Courage has always been a passing figure in my life, graciously coming in contact when in need of help. From major examinations, studying abroad, and leaving a toxic household, she has always somehow remerged.
But recently, I felt stuck. Stuck out in the middle of the ocean where there was an infinite amount of ways I could go, but instead, I was so overwhelmed that I stopped moving.
I always envied Courage for going through with her life, regardless of the mishaps and the unknown. Wandering through the fiendish forest all alone, as the chilling breeze sweeps her hair, whispering of eerie tales of her future downfall. Notwithstanding the pessimistic expressions, she continues her journey, towards finding Independence, and in hopes to become a wildlife biologist.
Though her mind is filled with uncertainty as she only knows an atom of the present and future, the passion in her heart lingers, yearning for a sign that this might be the right path. But will she ever know the right from the wrong?
Maybe I shouldn’t let the turbulent sea drift me towards who I don’t want to be. Perhaps I should be like Courage.
Spontaneous, strong-willed, and self-confident, because the unknown and frightening circumstance of the journey is the beauty of it all.
By: Anonymous
Meet Weird, a 23-year-old with curly hair and odd sized spectacles, it’s right lens is bigger than it’s left. His trademark lies in his mismatched socks along with his bright coloured outfits and you can’t forget about his odd sized spectacles when talking about Weird. You can spot him outside easily with his distinct looks and outfit and fun fact, he can’t walk in a straight line. No, he’s not drunk, he’s just Weird.
Meet Weird, a 23-year-old with curly hair and odd sized spectacles, it’s right lens is bigger than it’s left. His trademark lies in his mismatched socks along with his bright coloured outfits and you can’t forget about his odd sized spectacles when talking about Weird. You can spot him outside easily with his distinct looks and outfit and fun fact, he can’t walk in a straight line. No, he’s not drunk, he’s just Weird.
One can guess that he either hit his head on a rock as a kid or he was just born different from others. Well, actually aren’t we all different so what makes weird that weird? Right, weird likes to eat food with bad combinations, who drinks a milo that contains avocado and who puts durian in a soup, weird and weird only. He lives far far away from the town, but he has never been late for work, well that’s also cause his company doesn’t have a reporting time, it’s flexi-schedule and weird loves that.
Weird has a messy bedroom, I think we can all guess that, you will see one red sock lying in a stack of dirty clothes and another green sock somewhere on the sofa that doubles as a bed if he's too lazy to sleep in his room. Being the only child in his family, weird has always been independent and now he lives in his own flat. He once had a dog and cat; keyword once cause one day he forgot to lock his door when going to work and the dog ran away immediately. He came home too tired to realise his dog went missing and when he finally realised there were no more barking sounds in his home, he just gave his cat to his friend, depressed. His other friend stood there stunned seeing how weird was so nonchalant about the whole situation.
Weird has many friends, not that many but more than you would expect with this exotic and introverted nature of his, but that reason was why they wanted to be his friend. Being friends with weird, meant that everything you did was never weird as Weird would always find a way to display his extraordinary talent of being 100% unique, try copying him and I think you would give up after a day because you would be giddy just watching him walk. He loved PE classes in the past cause that was the only time where teachers didn’t force a reply from him, and he could just sit there or kick the soccer ball into the bushes and take the whole lesson to retrieve it. He’s not exactly athletic but if he wanted, he could run a marathon.
Weird currently works at an IT company and he lives a kind of quiet and stale life. People liked how weird embraced his true self but secretly, weird wished he was less weird. A very ironic statement coming from Weird himself. You can’t blame him, he didn’t choose to be that way, it was just the way he is and just wait cause one day he will become the CEO of a gaming company and that flips the switch. Hope you get to meet weird one day, he’s a nice guy, just a little weird.
By: Pearlene Chua Peiling, 17
{ Portrait in words }
Imagine if they were a person.
Tenacity, look at you my poor girl.
Soul, gripping, onto your body,
A fisherman’s hook made these bloody Flags curled.
Still, she set out to sea. Of course,
With a few trusty companions,
Shrimps! Storms! Salmon!
They shook hands with a pirate’s corpse,
{ Portrait in words }
Imagine if they were a person.
Tenacity, look at you my poor girl.
Soul, gripping, onto your body,
A fisherman’s hook made these bloody Flags curled.
Still, she set out to sea. Of course,
With a few trusty companions,
Shrimps! Storms! Salmon!
They shook hands with a pirate’s corpse,
Rotting. Hurry. Pass.
Doktor, Doktor, she’s not working. Her vitality, Drooping, Drooping.
Shaking his head, alas!
Out of the fog,
Waves parted for the whale,
A bow to her majestic aura. They inhale, Up, Up they go.
Miracle! Miracle!
And she clung to its tepid body.
Her signs, a rollercoaster.
Waking, groggily, I made it - whale you see?
By Anonymous, 18
Saudade is my best friend. No, was. Well, I’m not so sure anymore. Over time I’ve come to realise that she’s sapping away all my time and giving it to her husband Melancholy. She demands too much of my attention but gives so little in return, Indignance urges me to cut her off. An attractive young woman in her early twenties, she has a peculiar habit of visiting at late hours, sometimes waking me up only to pore over old photo albums, or perhaps bring up my late mother. A master manipulator, she planted Hope and Possibility in my garden; but I could have sworn I saw her viciously dowsing herbicide into their pots.
Saudade is my best friend. No, was. Well, I’m not so sure anymore. Over time I’ve come to realise that she’s sapping away all my time and giving it to her husband Melancholy. She demands too much of my attention but gives so little in return, Indignance urges me to cut her off. An attractive young woman in her early twenties, she has a peculiar habit of visiting at late hours, sometimes waking me up only to pore over old photo albums, or perhaps bring up my late mother. A master manipulator, she planted Hope and Possibility in my garden; but I could have sworn I saw her viciously dowsing herbicide into their pots.
I much preferred visits from her sister, Nostalgia. While both seemed to have a strange obsession with the past, she was not insensitive like Saudade. Nostalgia was generous with gifts, at times bringing over pastries from the bakery across my childhood home. She was also liberal with her time, comforting me on downcast days with the reminder of better times. All Saudade ever left me was a mess of photo albums and two dead plants.
While few are acquainted with Saudade, I’m sure you’ve encountered her before. I’ve run into her so many times on the MRT, I’m convinced that she’s everywhere. Saudade doesn’t have a job. Melancholy has thousands of clients to profit off, and they’ve made quite a small fortune. So now she flits from house to house, bearing pots of Hope and talking about a past that will never return.
Recently, I took Indignance’s advice and broke off my friendship with her. I haven’t seen her since, but sometimes I really miss her. While she was a bad friend, she offered some kind of escape from the present, and I enjoyed travelling with her. At times I wonder why we were even friends in the first place, when we were always so disagreeable. Maybe it was her magnetic presence, or a desire to please her so she’d continue nurturing Possibility to flower and bear fruit. Others who relish her company claim she has a poetic kind of beauty, one that transcends definition. But I suppose now we all know, that underneath that soft, siren-voice she’s really just a heap of empty promises and a bunch of plant poison.
By Anonymous, 18
Meow. Meow. Cracking her eyelids open, she saw Abby who tried to pass off an innocent look while licking her paws. Sometimes, I think you’re just a human in a cat, she grumbled. Abby meowed in response.
Just Another Day
Meow. Meow. Cracking her eyelids open, she saw Abby who tried to pass off an innocent look while licking her paws. Sometimes, I think you’re just a human in a cat, she grumbled. Abby meowed in response.
Shook slowly swung her legs over her pastel coloured bed and slipped her small feet into her furry cat slippers. She trudged to her kitchen where the citrusy smell of fruits were present. As the water glided down her parched throat, she thought of what she should do for the rest of the day. 11.30AM - time for Abby’s breakfast! She filled her bowl with brown balls of nutrients before proceeding to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Shook gagged at the taste of the minty toothpaste, she never really liked the taste. Swapping her patterned pajamas for a pair of worn woolen pants and an oversized cotton shirt, Shook proceeded to sit by her cozy one-seater couch and picked up Hamlet.
Just as Polonius’ comic dialogue of being slain was uttered, Shook felt her stomach grumble. She set down her book, stroked Abby a few times, and took out her leftovers from dinner last night from the fridge to heat them up. Mac and cheese never gets old! Thankfully, no one was there to witness her sinful eating habits.
‘But I should be able to do what I want, who cares what others think?’ she thought. ‘You did, twenty years ago.’
She cringed.
As the rich taste of cheese and pasta entered her mouth, Abby meowed again. Alright, alright, you greedy cat. Shook poured some of her food into a bowl for Abby to eat from. As Shook listened to the pitter patter of the rain, her mind unconsciously drifted to the thoughts of her younger days which were filled with blurred faces and rambunctious laughter. She shook her thoughts away, no time for that! Shook quickly finished up her meal and turned on the television to watch replays of Saturday Night Live. I may be old but I still have my wit! As the natural light in her apartment gradually waned, she turned the television off and stretched out her limbs, hearing her bones crack. Finally deciding to make her dinner, she pulled out the metal tin of oatmeal - the instant type, of course - and mixed it with a generous amount of condensed milk before pouring hot water. Sitting on her plush chair with a bowl of steaming oatmeal in her hands, her eyes found the worn out pages of Hamlet. She read many critics' rebuke of Hamlet, about how he failed his task. She disagreed.
To thine own self be true.
She sighed. Putting her half-eaten bowl in the fridge, her feet padded over to the bed as she slipped into her soft sheets. This was not the first time she slept in her day clothes. Shook laid awake in her bed, thinking of how her life would have turned out if she had made different choices back then. But it was too late.
Good night, sweet prince, she thought as she hugged an old teddy bear under her covers.
By Jakin Tan, 19
She has pretty bright eyes
filled with wonder
yet I can’t help but wonder
what darkness lies inside
Wait let me start again
I think I’ve gone off the deep end
After all, I don’t wanna blow your mind
Tenacity, she’s only one of a kind
She has pretty bright eyes
filled with wonder
yet I can't help but wonder
what darkness lies inside
Wait let me start again
I think I've gone off the deep end
After all, I don't wanna blow your mind
Tenacity, she's only one of a kind
She walks with a spring in her step
like she's a pogo stick (of course not literally)
but you don't see a reason
why she should be so happy
family circumstances aren't the best
single mom or single dad
maybe she's got both
doesn't matter - either one's pretty bad
She's not that smart too
didn't do very well at school
That's a pretty subjective statement
so we'll just say she did worse than you
She tried so hard
to get where she is
There's no mistaking her colours within
She tries again and again cuz she's Tenacity
Wait, isn't that the definition of insanity?
She sometimes doubts her credibility
Wonders if her achievements stem from her insecurities
It's hard to live up to your name
especially when hers is pretty literal
but all that external pressure
makes her become a diamond more beautiful
I can't help but wonder
How her eyes stay filled with wonder
She moves on from all her pain
without emotional Panadol (I wish there was such a thing)
Ask me what's her secret to success?
How would I know? I don't know everything 🙄
But if I was her I would probably tell you something nice
So listen closely, I'm not writing this twice
Seeds can't grow until they finally die
And maybe you have to be broken down to learn to rise
Seeds can't grow until they finally die
And maybe you have to be broken down to learn to rise
By Anonymous, 17
Tenacity wakes up to impounding scruple and trepidation. It is instantly hungry. Craving. Unrelenting and unable to be ignored in it’s pursuit of something to eat. Tenacity is always there.
More often than not, food will be put under its nose to tempt it and most of the time, there is a barrier of Hesitation that will stop him. Doubts and Fears give rise to Insecurity and Diffidence, and Tenacity is often unable to eat such delectable evils because in the presence of Tenacity, we also hold on to our reservations stronger. It makes it harder to let go of what is able to put us in our place so easily.
Tenacity wakes up to impounding scruple and trepidation. It is instantly hungry. Craving. Unrelenting and unable to be ignored in it’s pursuit of something to eat. Tenacity is always there. More often than not, food will be put under its nose to tempt it and most of the time, there is a barrier of Hesitation that will stop him. Doubts and Fears give rise to Insecurity and Diffidence, and Tenacity is often unable to eat such delectable evils because in the presence of Tenacity, we also hold on to our reservations stronger. It makes it harder to let go of what is able to put us in our place so easily.
But sometimes, when our wish to achieve is stronger than the hesitation that stops us, Tenacity is able to eat. And eat, it does. A voracious hunger speaking of an edacious need to consume what makes you, you.
Because Tenacity eats your soul. What makes up your nightmares and horrors. It changes you. It forces you to undergo a metamorphosis that melts you down into goo and reforms you into someone else, someone different.
Who are you, without your worries, fears and capitulation in light of what seems to be impending defeat?
Are you brighter, lighter and flowing like silk in the wind? Are you more apodictic like the sharp edge of a steel sword, one that when swung, will slice their obstacles cleanly in half?
When Tenacity scours your heart for doubts and fears, do you feel the arms of determination guiding you forward through a tunnel of darkness? The faint brush of desperation barely dusting past your soul?
Tenacity fills you up with something else in place of what it has eaten. Something different from the bleeding rush of anxiety or the grey waves of somber depression. Something red like dripping passion, burning with a blue fire that can rival the scorch of the sun. Tenacity has siblings like courage for you to believe in holding on because wherever Tenacity goes to eat second-thoughts, Courage and Perseverance will not be too far behind to fill up the space left in Tenacity's wake.
When you have no second-thoughts, you have no doubts. An object in motion that will remain in motion. You will continue to work towards your goal.
Courage and perseverance crash against each other to form the purple of Willpower. The will to grasp onto dreams and never let go. It becomes sheer Determination, trailed with a touch of desperation. The need to follow the path you've set out for yourself, or the external push to leave and make for another. A provision of an awakening to carve a foreseeable future.
Tenacity eats your soul. Empties it of worries and doubts. It replaces it with the blood rush of courage and steadfast perseverance that inevitably melds to become Willpower, dripping and burning bright.
Tenacity scours you for the worries of finding a new job, the doubts of hiking through mud with a fifty kilogram Army pack. It will eat them all.
It replaces it with the courage for an interview for a prospective occupation, the perseverance to reach the destination of the hundred kilometre hike. It becomes the Willpower for you to live serendipitously.
It is followed with the determination for you to take every step forward, to never let go of your dreams, almost crazily in desperation to achieve it if it is just that requisite. It is often trailed, at the far back, but nonetheless irrefutably, by a brilliantly dazzling Confidence gleaming like the sun. Because more often than not, you fulfill your dreams in light of what Tenacity eats away and it makes you feel accomplished, victorious.
By Anonymous, 19
He’s really, really handsome, with his piercing blue eyes and ash-brown hair. His chiselled jaw could slice through diamonds like butter. In fact, two girls in particular – Stress and Anxiety – think about him from the moment they wake up. He’s oblivious though… He goes about his usual thing from nine to five, and then poof, gone.
He’s really, really handsome, with his piercing blue eyes and ash-brown hair. His chiselled jaw could slice through diamonds like butter. In fact, two girls in particular – Stress and Anxiety – think about him from the moment they wake up. He’s oblivious though… He goes about his usual thing from nine to five, and then poof, gone.
When the purple skies of the evening turn into the menacing night, he retires in his humble abode – a one-room cabin deep in the woods surrounded by the mustard yellow leaves of Autumn. He lives with his two cats – Zoom and MsTeams. They’re rivals, but he doesn’t know how he would survive without them.
HBL has a difficult job. He has to teach various students every day, but they hate him. They want HBL to leave and never come back. He’s devastated about how they feel as he only wants to help them grow and learn. He recently got diagnosed with a terminal disease, and may only have a few years left to live. Although Zoom and MsTeams will live far longer than him, he’s glad they’re by his side for the time being.
After a long day of work, HBL would wander around the woods with his cats. Sometimes, he hangs out with his friend Elearning, and they always chat into the wee hours of the next morning. HBL cares dearly for his students despite the fact that they hate him, and he only wishes the best for them. Do you love HBL?
By Anonymous
A tall and scrawny teenager comes walking out of the darkness, dressed in a casual dark t-shirt with shorts to match. He looked like any other teenager, except for the look of loneliness in his eyes and the shadows that seem to follow him.
A tall and scrawny teenager comes walking out of the darkness, dressed in a casual dark t-shirt with shorts to match. He looked like any other teenager, except for the look of loneliness in his eyes and the shadows that seem to follow him.
Everyone knew him as the one who loved eating almost everything. He was never picky with his food and in fact, seemed to be afraid of his food being taken away from him. He ate with such gusto and speed that it made people worry about him. However, this worry was never explicitly stated.
He walks quickly, to the point of running, with light steps as he heads to his next destination. In fact, sometimes, he is so swift and quiet that some are shocked when he appears next to them, not expecting him to appear out of nowhere. The only time he walks slowly is when he trudges home, where no one other than his pet dog is there to greet him, which is quite strange considering how large his family is, with his parents being so old that they seem ancient to many.
As he enters his home, he is being greeted by his pet dog, his only companion. He slowly walks up to his dark room, messy with books and writings all over the place, murals and drawings of world maps all around his walls. His dream was to travel the world, spread his wings and find more people like him to ease the gnawing sense of loneliness that he feels in his chest.
The only people he ever interacted with outside his own family are his two best friends, if you could call them that. His best friends are the most unexpected people, daily tasks and activities, enabling him to do whatever he wants. However, they are always absent and gone when he needs them most.
In school, he is only ever excited for Science classes. To him, his Science teacher was the only one who ever gave him the chance to improve himself and let him grow, with many others pushing him away. Not to mention, he always felt that other lessons were irrelevant to him, with his least favourite class being Health lessons. He one day dreamt of being a scientist, doctor or even a pharmacist to push for more scientific discoveries. He was also utterly obsessed with reading, spending all his free time reading whatever he could get his hands on – medical journals, non-fiction books, anything. All he wanted to do was to improve himself, to get people to like him, not knowing how much others detested this.
As he looked out of his dark window, staring into the horizon and at all the other teenagers laughing and having fun together, a single tear fell. All he ever wished for was for the rest of the world to embrace him like everyone else. He never wanted to be born a pest, only ever wanting to be part of society.
By Sean Kwan
In the sea of students, I am but a faceless body.
All the same, her eyes always find me.
In the handful of enthusiasts at the quiet bookstore I peruse,
in my classrooms when the noises lull,
in the silence of my home.
In the sea of students, I am but a faceless body.
All the same, her eyes always find me.
In the handful of enthusiasts at the quiet bookstore I peruse,
in my classrooms when the noises lull,
in the silence of my home.
She’s standing with her back faced against the window of my empty room. The door is closed, and the sun outside seems intent on making its presence known, shrouding her in an angry glare. She’s intimidatingly tall. I rise from my sitting position, and even then she’s a head taller, looking down at me the same way a child stares at an ant. Or perhaps, in the same way a mother views a child.
Her raven-black hair flows beyond my field of view. Something tells me it’s a fool’s errand, but I look to see where it ends. I find nothing, and am rewarded with foolishness, scalding. Her eyes are placid, and I hope mine are as well. There are a thousand, a million questions racing through my mind, so I open my mouth.
“Would you like some coffee?”
An amused grin flashes across her face, skin pale as moonlight. “If you enjoy it, I would like a cup.” Her voice is assertive, imposing, but not unkind. It strikes me with an aching familiarity, despite me knowing that this is the first time we’ve spoken.
“I don’t know if I would say I enjoy it particularly, it’s just what works.”
I step out, and return with two cups of coffee. She sits, her posture straight and disciplined, while I sink into my bed clumsily.
“So, why have you come?” I ask, though I already know the answer.
“You wanted to see me.”
“What if I said, ‘that’s news to me’?”
“Then you would be lying.”
I go to take a sip of coffee, then choke down the mouthful I found myself with.
“Well then, are you in the mood to talk, or to listen?” She asks.
“I’m in the mood to have a conversation.”
She obliges, and we talk.
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“I do not have a favourite. Those who have an interest in them, the creatives among us: this is a question best suited to them, rather than myself. I would describe myself as practical above all else, and every colour serves its own purpose.” She stops to eye the sheep plushie resting on top of my pillow. It rests, legs sprawled out, expression one of quiet bliss.
“If I had to, I might choose its white fur as an answer. It is pure and unstained. The same is true of the rest of your companions.” Her hand makes a sweeping gesture toward the rest of the stuffed animals lazing on my bed sheets.
“You must care an awful lot for them.”
“I have an awful lot of time on my hands, after all.”
“Tell me about your favourite moment.”
She holds my hand. I blink, and we’re somewhere I don’t recognise, in the middle of a vast expanse of green and nothing else. The grass tickles my bare feet, biting at my ankles as I follow her wordlessly.
“It is best you see for yourself.”
In her hand is a light purple flower, its petals curled, poised to blossom. I recognise it as an iris. Her eyes are longing as she gazes at it, regarding it similarly to how one might regard a unicorn.
“All too often, I only arrive to witness their departure.” The flower’s blend of vibrant blue and light purple turns to an ashy grey, and its petals shrink into dust, scattering on the winds.
A chuckle escapes my lips. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
She stares at me in silence. We both understand, but only I laugh at the humour of the words leaving my mouth. For her, this must have happened many, uncountable times, but I don’t share her burden, so I could never truly understand.
We talk about the sun, the moon, the sky and everything below it.
We speak until there’s nothing left to speak of.
All of my ambitions, my dreams, my hopes, my wants, my wishes, memories of friends I no longer have, memories of those I’ll lose: now, they are nothing more than words, carried by the wind.
“I’m sorry.” I muster.
“Whatever for?”
“It’s just one more person, but our burdens weigh on you, don’t they?”
“It is part of my duty.” She shrugs it off, but there’s sadness in her eyes.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t meet you earlier.”
“Do you imagine that things would have been different, if you had?”
“No.” I turn to look at her, laying in the field.
I’ve heard stories of times before. Fantasies derived from history, where one lays under the night sky, in an impossible land utterly devoid of civilisation. There is no fire, no light, no glow of the hearth from a village off in the distance. The sun has set, and so the world is dark, save for the stars in the sky.
In my mind’s eye, that utter nothingness was terrifying. Yet, as I look at the clothes she wears, woven out of that unimaginable black, from nights beyond the ones I experienced, I wonder: if I had been embraced by those nights, would I have been liberated?
“No, I don’t think things would have been different, but I would’ve liked to spend more time with you.” Then, for the first time, I see a gentle smile. It blooms, and I think of the iris and wonder how she does not know.
“Are you ready?” She asks quietly. I’d thought I would have dreaded those words: I spent nights awake, haunted by that question. Now, only fulfilment washes over me.
“I have one last question for you.”
“Anything you wish to know.”
“What is your name?” She blinks. Once, twice. “You know the answer.”
I shake my head. “I know what they call you. What do you call yourself?”
A blend of expressions wash across her face, a mix too complex for me to place. Then, she turns to me and says, “My name is Mori.”
“It’s a beautiful name.” I say wholeheartedly as I reach for her hand once more. “I’m ready.”
“This is goodbye, then.”
“I’d prefer a fond farewell.”
She smiles and squeezes my hand.
I am no more, a bodiless spirit drifting in the wind, away from time’s oldest keeper of stories.
By Anisah Nurhani
Have you seen Hope? It seems that she’s missing.
She’s a youthful girl, always donned in a yellow sundress, along with a beige sun hat which sits on her curly brown hair that matches her eyes. I really miss seeing her bright smile and hearing her exuberant laughter.
Hope was one of the best friends I had, a shoulder I could always lean on. Especially on bad days, she would welcome me into her humble home with a cup of hot chocolate. We would sit down on her pale-yellow couch and she would do anything to make me laugh. I loved to pat her pet cat named Iris, that would curl up at my feet to keep my toes warm. The time spent with her was enough to get me back up on my feet and brighten my days.
Have you seen Hope? It seems that she’s missing.
She’s a youthful girl, always donned in a yellow sundress, along with a beige sun hat which sits on her curly brown hair that matches her eyes. I really miss seeing her bright smile and hearing her exuberant laughter.
Hope was one of the best friends I had, a shoulder I could always lean on. Especially on bad days, she would welcome me into her humble home with a cup of hot chocolate. We would sit down on her pale-yellow couch and she would do anything to make me laugh. I loved to pat her pet cat named Iris, that would curl up at my feet to keep my toes warm. The time spent with her was enough to get me back up on my feet and brighten my days.
Now that I recall, Hope always walks with a skip in her step, swinging around an umbrella decorated with orange daisies - the same umbrella she would put over your head when your storm gets a little heavy. And when the downpour settles to a light drizzle, she will take your hand to play in the rain puddles together, as you wait for the sun to come out. It never mattered that you both got drenched, what mattered to her the most was for you to smile and have fun.
For all that I love about Hope, I hate that she loves hiding. It upsets me that she can’t stay by my side all the time. When I said my worries aloud to her, she had explained that just like day and night, the world wouldn’t work if the sun was up in the sky all the time. But sometimes, I hate when the darkness of the night becomes unbearably long. On those days, it scares me if I were to ever lose Hope.
Recently, in this pandemic, Despair has been coming to knock on my door and Anxiety has been staring at me from my window. They are waiting for me to give up, so why is Hope not coming out when I need her? If you have seen Hope anywhere, please tell her that our game of hide and seek should end soon.
For now, I will hold on to the note that she stuck onto my refrigerator with a smiley-faced magnet. The note that says “It will be okay.” Like a light at the end of a tunnel, my heart knows that I will find her and we will escape this darkness soon.
By Jewel Khoo, 19
Tenacity is a child with the most vivid imagination I have ever seen. He loves grabbing me by the hand and running off on made-up adventures alongside his two best friends, Grit and Perseverance. They seem to relate to him the best out of all the other children at the neighbourhood playground. He would dream up these elaborate quests for us to embark on, adventures into various unknowns: pirate ships, underwater cities, Egyptian temples, you name it
Tenacity is a child with the most vivid imagination I have ever seen. He loves grabbing me by the hand and running off on made-up adventures alongside his two best friends, Grit and Perseverance. They seem to relate to him the best out of all the other children at the neighbourhood playground. He would dream up these elaborate quests for us to embark on, adventures into various unknowns: pirate ships, underwater cities, Egyptian temples, you name it.
Although small in stature, Tenacity has a booming voice that could be heard from a mile away and is almost too much for his body to handle. Being the loudest and most enthusiastic out of the three, he always takes the role as captain of the ship, taking a lot of pride in being able to lead us with no fear.
Most folks around him don’t quite understand where he gets all his enthusiasm for life from and why is it that he trips over his own feet and even forgets to breathe at times. When Tenacity sets his eyes on something he wants to do, it is like watching a firecracker on New Year's Day, full of fire and unstoppable.
It is no wonder that he absolutely hates restrictions, and by default our form teacher, Rules. He can’t quite understand why Rules keeps coaxing him to sit obediently in his seat and pay attention to the mundane lessons he teaches about boundaries. He much prefers to listen to Failure’s guest speeches whenever he comes around to assembly at school because he admires and loves listening to stories of his misadventures and feels he could learn so much more from them.
This has caused his parents, Diligence and Patience, to worry greatly about his inclination to be stubborn and if he will ever take a slower approach to doing things. Everyday they make it a point to remind Tenacity to stay grounded in little ways. Sitting with him as he struggles to do step-by-step mathematics and giving him bear hugs and telling him “it’s ok” when he gets frustrated and wants to just throw in the towel because results do not seem to be coming.
Tenacity doesn’t know how to show it yet, but he does listen to them. You can see it in the way Tenacity grows each and every day to become a more directed and responsible version of himself to bring up all his friends around him.
Deep down, past his boisterous exterior, all Tenacity wants to do is discover the never ending possibilities of what could be. He has always wanted to be an astronaut when he grows up. To soar above the skies, meet new life forms, to go where no man has gone before.
As he drifts off to sleep he always stares at the glowing plastic stars glued to his bedroom ceiling, he wonders how the stars glow so much brighter together, even if they only produce a small light themselves.
You too at home can try your hand at writing your very own Word Portrait!
- STEP 1
- STEP 2
- STEP 3
Think about a word that has resonated with you the most this year, it could be something you worked on really hard this year, or a word to sum up 2020.
After you have got your word, grab something to write on and have fun with these questions:
- Imagine if this word were a person or embodied as an individual you know.
- What would he/she/they look like?
- What clothes might they wear? And What might be their favourite colours?
- What do they love to eat?
- Describe how they walk
- What kind of home do they live in?
- When would they go to bed? When would they get up?
- Would they have a pet? What kind of pet?
- Do they live with family? Who are they? Name them with other ideas.
- Who are their best friends? and if you can explain why, that is good too!
- Who was their favourite teacher in school? And why?
- What sort of work would they do? What kind of job would they take up?
- How might they spend their free time?
- If they had a secret wish or desire — what would it be?
Feel free to add, remove, or reorder these questions!
After answering these questions, you can refine and complete your prose writing!

Alvin PANG is a poet, writer, editor and translator whose broad creative practice spans over two decades of literary and related activities in Singapore and elsewhere. Featured in the Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry in English and the Penguin Book of the Prose Poem, his writing has been translated into more than twenty languages, including volumes in Croatian, Macedonian, Slovene and Swedish. His books include the bestselling What Gives Us Our Names (2011), as well as the recent volumes What Happened: Poems 1997-2017 (2017) and Uninterrupted time (2019). For his contributions to the literary arts, he has received the Young Artist Award, Singapore Youth Award and the JCCI Education Award, among other accolades.
The Editor-in-Chief of the public policy journal ETHOS, Pang also serves on several international advisory boards, including the International Poetry Studies Institute at the University of Canberra, the peer-reviewed journal Axon: Creative Explorations and Rabbit: Journal of non-fiction poetry. In 2020, he completed a PhD in writing with RMIT University, exploring his research interests in the possibilities of literary practice conducted across multiple languages, genres, careers and communities.