The most significant part of the neighbourhood is behind the housing estate is a Chinese Teochew Cemetery. I would walk through the cemetery everyday to go to school and to take the public transport as the bus stop is situated opposite it. After years of living there, it became a convenient and comfortable commuting route that I walked through it alone at night after outings with friends. I also catch spiders with cousins at the yam trees there. The most memorable memory is every Chinese New Year, I would help my mum make delicious love letters, taking care not to burn the love letters while grilling them. Chinese New Year love letters were hand-made by special moulds and grilled on top of a stove over the charcoal fire. I also remember my grandmother bending her back over the traditional sewing machine to sew or mend clothes. As a child, I loved to help her with treading and sew by paddling on the machine paddle.